Since 2011, the North Shore Forest Collaborative has developed or supported Powerpoint presentations on key coastal forest restoration topics that have been delivered to various audiences, and are provided here. We also provide the date of the presentation, as a reminder that information in the presentations has likely changed over time.
Resource Library Collections:
The North Shore Forest Collaborative For Landowners:
Intro to North Shore Restoration & Prep Now for Spring
Molly Thompson, Sugarloaf: The North Shore Stewardship Association (2019)
Forest & Wildlife Management on the North Shore for Resource Professionals:
NSFC Desired Future Conditions
March 17, 2017
Dave Ingebrigtsen, DNR Assistant Wildlife Manager. Presentation to NE Landscape Committee of Minnesota Forest Resources Council
Introduction to Native Plant Communities
Brooke Haworth, DNR Regional Plant Ecologist
North Shore Forest Management for Wildlife
Duane Fogard, American Bird Conservancy Private Lands Forester
North Shore Tree Insects and Diseases
Brian Schwingle, DNR Tree Insect & Disease Specialist
DNR – State Forest Resource Management Planning for Northern Superior Uplands section
Deer Management:
MN DNR Private Lands Forestry – Assistance for Landowners.
DNR Programs for Private Woodland Owners
Amber Jungwirth of MN DNR Private Lands Forestry
Soil and Water Conservation Districts (SWCD) Resources for Landowners
Working with your Soil and Water Conservation Districts
Michaela Clingaman, Cook County SWCD; Mackenzie Hogfeldt, Lake County SWCD
University of Minnesota Extension Resources for Landowners:
MN Extension Service programs for forestland owners
Mike Reichenbach, U of M Extension
Climate Change and the North Shore:
Coastal Forests and Climate Change
Stephen Handler of Northern Institute of Applied Climate Science. (PDF of presentation, including notes)